The aim of the Wychavon District Shop Front Design Guide SPD, adopted in March 2017, is to explain the vision for the design of shop fronts and signage, including the installation of signage, lighting and security measures to both traditional and contemporary shops and those located within rural and urban areas. As well as being applicable to retail units, the guidance will also apply to catering, financial and professional service businesses located within our historic shopping areas. The Design Guide SPD is designed to be used by business and property owners, architects and designers, Planning Officers and Inspectors, and will be predominantly relevant to those premises with a ground floor display window and/or fascia sign. The main towns of Wychavon benefit from Conservation Area designations within their central shopping areas, which place greater restrictions upon unacceptable forms of development. For this reason, we consider that more detailed and comprehensive guidance should be available for these areas.
pdf Wychavon District Shop Front Design Guide SPD (March 2017) (10.83 MB)