Addendum to the South Worcestershire Five Year Housing Land Supply (January 2025)
This addendum has been prepared by the South Worcestershire Councils (SWCs; namely Malvern Hills District Council, Worcester City Council and Wychavon District Council) in light of the amendments to the NPPF on 12 December 2024. Several changes have direct impacts on the SWCs’ 5YHLS. This addendum report will outline these changes in turn and provide an updated housing land supply figure.
pdf Five Year Housing Land Supply Addendum (274 KB)
South Worcestershire Five Year Housing Land Supply (November 2024)
This report provides a full explanation of the Five Year Housing Land Supply (5YHLS) calculation for the south Worcestershire Councils (SWCs; namely Malvern Hills District Council, Worcester City Council and Wychavon District Council) as required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). It sets out the housing requirement, delivery to-date and identifies deliverable housing sites for the five year period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2029. The report includes an appropriate in-depth analysis of sites with planning permission and those that are allocations in the adopted South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) to provide additional evidence about deliverability and to ensure that the supply calculation is robust.
Read the reports and accompanying appendices:
- pdf Five Year Housing Land Supply Report 2024 (420 KB)
- pdf Appendix 1 - Completions and commitments (2.04 MB)
- pdf Appendix 2 - Developer Questionnaire (75 KB)
- pdf Appendix 3 - Developer Questionnaire responses (191 KB)
- pdf Appendix 4 - Lapse Rates (168 KB)
- pdf Appendix 5 - Windfalls (151 KB)
Addendum to the South Worcestershire Five Year Housing Land Supply (April 2024)
This addendum has been prepared by the South Worcestershire Councils (SWCs; namely Malvern Hills District Council, Worcester City Council and Wychavon District Council) in light of the amendments to the NPPF on 19 December 2023 and subsequent changes the PPG. Several changes have direct impacts on the SWCs’ 5YHLS. This addendum report will outline these changes in turn and provide an updated housing land supply figure.
pdf Five Year Housing Land Supply Addendum (191 KB)
South Worcestershire Five Year Housing Land Supply (December 2023)
This report provides a full explanation of the Five Year Housing Land Supply (5YHLS) calculation for the SWCs as required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). It sets out the housing requirement, delivery to-date and identifies deliverable housing sites for the five year period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028. The report includes an appropriate in-depth analysis of sites with planning permission and those that are allocations in the adopted South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) to provide additional evidence about deliverability and to ensure that the supply calculation is robust.
Read the reports and accompanying appendices:
pdf Appendix 1 - Completions and commitments (2.20 MB)
pdf Appendix 2 - Developer Questionnaire (75 KB)
pdf Appendix 3 - Developer Questionnaire responses (299 KB)
pdf Appendix 4 - Lapse Rates (148 KB)
pdf Appendix 5 - Windfalls (149 KB)
pdf Five Year Housing Land Supply Report (414 KB)
Addendum to the South Worcestershire Five Year Housing Land Supply Report (April 2023)
This addendum has been prepared by the South Worcestershire Councils (SWCs) in light of a number of factors impacting the published Five Year Housing Land Supply Report December 2022 which covers the monitoring year from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022. An additional note has also been prepared to explain the outcomes of recent planning appeals:
- pdf Addendum to the South Worcestershire Five Year Housing Land Supply Report (360 KB)
- pdf Five Year Housing Land Supply Update Note June 2023 (133 KB)
South Worcestershire Five Year Housing Land Supply Report (December 2022)
This report provides a full explanation of the Five Year Housing Land Supply (5YHLS) calculation for the South Worcestershire Councils as required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). It sets out the housing requirement, delivery to-date and identifies deliverable housing sites for the next five years to 31 March 2027. The report includes an appropriate in depth analysis of sites with planning permission and those that are allocations in the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) to provide additional evidence about deliverability and to ensure that the supply calculation is robust. Read the reports and accompanying appendices:
- pdf Five Year Housing Land Supply Report 2022 (419 KB)
- pdf Appendix 1 - Completions (468 KB)
- pdf Appendix 2 - Deliverability Questionnaire (98 KB)
- pdf Appendix 3 - Deliverability Questionnaire Responses (229 KB)
- pdf Appendix 4 - Commitments (1.17 MB)
- pdf Appendix 5 - Lapse Rate (183 KB)
- pdf Appendix 6 - Windfalls (126 KB)
Please note that sections 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 of the Five Year Housing Land Supply Report 2022 stated 'March 2037', which should have read 'March 2027'.
South Worcestershire Five Year Housing Land Supply Update, 29 Nov 2022
The South Worcestershire Councils (SWCs) have reviewed their 5 Year Housing Land Supply position for 2022. In the light of recent appeal decisions, the SWCs are now proposing to adopt an individual district approach for the 5 Year Housing Land Supply calculation. The result is that Malvern Hills has a 5.06 year supply, Worcester City 3.06 and Wychavon 3.68. These figures will be used as a material consideration in determining planning applications.
The SWCs will continue to publish a joint calculation for information and monitoring purposes and will seek confirmation of this approach through the South Worcestershire Development Plan Review (SWDPR) which is currently out to consultation. The joint calculation results in 3.94 years of housing land supply across the whole SWDP area.
The full report and supporting evidence is expected to be published later this year.
Authorities Monitoring Report
This Authorities’ Monitoring Report (AMR) has been jointly prepared by Malvern Hills District Council, Worcester City Council and Wychavon District Council. The AMR monitors the policies of the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) which was adopted on 25th February 2016. It includes, amongst other things, information on housing completions. It also monitors progress on associated local development documents e.g. Supplementary Planning Documents and Neighbourhood Plans.
pdf South Worcestershire Authorities Monitoring Report 2023 (1.12 MB)
Previous Authorities Monitoring Reports
pdf South Worcestershire Authorities Monitoring Report 2022 (701 KB)
pdf South Worcestershire Authorities Monitoring Report 2021 (1.65 MB)
pdf South Worcestershire Authorities Monitoring Report 2020 (3.13 MB)
pdf South Worcestershire Authorities Monitoring Report 2019 (6.53 MB)
pdf South Worcestershire Authorities Monitoring Report 2018 (1.39 MB)
pdf South Worcestershire Authorities Monitoring Report 2017 (814 KB)
pdf South Worcestershire Authorities Monitoring Report 2013 (1.62 MB)
pdf South Worcestershire Authorities Monitoring Report 2012 (1.55 MB)
pdf South Worcestershire Authorities Monitoring Report 2010 (2.18 MB)
Housing Land Monitoring
Housing Land Monitoring is conducted by each individual South Worcestershire Council, reviewing progress on the implementation of planning permissions for new homes. The data feeds into the five Five Year Housing Land Supply calculations, which the South Worcestershire Councils are required to demonstrate in order for the SWDP to be afforded full planning weight.
Malvern Hills Housing Land Monitoring
Worcester City Housing Land Monitoring
Wychavon Housing Land Monitoring
Employment Land Monitoring
Employment Land Monitoring is also conducted by each individual South Worcestershire Council, reviewing progress in implementing planning policies that support economic development and highlighting changes in the area that effective local businesses and job opportunities for local residents.
Malvern Hills Employment Land Monitoring
Worcester City Employment Land Monitoring
Wychavon Employment Land Monitoring
Retail Monitoring
Retail Monitoring is conducted by each individual South Worcestershire Council, with only Worcester City Council reporting on Retail Monitoring to date. The Retail Monitor report provides detailed background information about retail premises within those retail centres identified in the adopted Local Plan, the South Worcestershire Development Plan adopted in February 2016. The Retail Monitor is used to assess the viability of identified shopping centres and the impact of the retail policies within the SWDP, principally policies SWDP9 and SWDP10, on the health of retailing with Worcester.
Worcester City Retail Monitoring
Developer Contribution Monitoring
Developer Contribution Monitoring is conducted by each individual South Worcestershire Council, with only Worcester City Council reporting on Developer Contribution Monitoring to date. The Developer Contribution Monitor provides accessible information about use of developer contributions arising as a result of approved development. This report documents the progress of developer contributions from the signing of a Section 106 agreement to the actual spending of a developer contribution. It also lists potential open space infrastructure projects that could be funded from future developer contributions should these arise as a result of planned or windfall development.