Current Consultations
CIL Draft Charging Schedule Consultation 2024
This is a draft Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule consultation for the three South Worcestershire Councils (Malvern Hills District, Worcester City and Wychavon).
The South Worcestershire Councils (SWCs) adopted individual Charging Schedules in 2017. The decision to introduce CIL was taken by the SWCs to contribute towards the funding required to deliver the joint South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP), adopted in 2016.
This draft CIL Charging Schedule had been updated to reflect new viability evidence supporting the current SWDP Review. The 2010 CIL regulations (as amended) require consultation on a Draft Charging Schedule prior to submitting it to the Secretary of State for examination.
The consultation on CIL Draft Charging Schedule has closed.
A public consultation on the proposals in this document started on 12 February 2024 and ended at midday on 25 March 2024.
You can read the consultation document and supporting evidence base online via the consultation portal.
Previous Consultations
South Worcestershire Development Plan Review Consultations
SWDP Review Publication Consultation (Regulation 19) - consulation concluded on 23 December 2022.
SWDP Review Further Regulation 18 (III) Sustainability Appraisal Consultation - consultation concluded on 19 April 2021.
Country Park Call for Sites - consultation concluded on 24 July 2020.
Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Call for Sites - consultation concluded on 3 April 2020.
SWDP Review Preferred Options - consultation concluded on 16 December 2019.
SWDP Review Issues and Options - consultation concluded on 17 December 2018.
Development Boundaries Review Proposed Methodology - consultation concluded on 8 October 2018.
Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report - consultation concluded on 3 July 2018.
SWDP Review Call for Sites and Proposed SHELAA Methodology - consultation concluded on 2 July 2018.
Village Facilities and Rural Transport Proposed Methodology - consultation concluded on 2 July 2018.
Supplementary Planning Documents / Development Plan Documents Consultations
South Worcestershire Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Policy and Site Allocations Development Plan Document - Publication Consultation (Regulation 19) - consultation concluded 13 December 2022.
Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations DPD Revised Preferred Options - consultation concluded on 5 July 2021.
Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations DPD Additional Call for Sites - consultation concluded on 19 November 2020.
Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations DPD Revised Preferred Options - consultation concluded on 18 April 2018.
Draft Renewable and Low Carbon Energy SPD - consultation concluded on 16 March 2018.
Draft Water Management and Flooding SPD - consultation concluded on 16 March 2018.
Draft Revised Developer Contributions SPD - consultation concluded on 16 March 2018.
Draft Design Guide SPD - consultation concluded on 4 September 2017.
Design Guide SPD Scoping Paper - consultation concluded on 27 March 2017.
Renewable and Low Carbon Energy SPD Scoping Paper - consultation concluded on 27 March 2017.
Water Management and Flooding SPD Scoping Paper - consultation concluded on 27 March 2017.
Draft Planning for Health SPD - consultation concluded on 27 January 2017.
Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations DPD Further Call for Sites - consultation concluded on 9 January 2017.
Draft Shop Front Design Guide SPDs - consultation concluded on 5 December 2016.
Draft Revised Developer Contributions SPD - consultation concluded on 16 May 2016.
Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations DPD Preferred Options - consultation concluded on 9 May 2016.
Draft Affordable Housing SPD - consultation concluded on 25 April 2016.
Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations DPD Additional Call for Sites - consultation concluded on 30 March 2015.
Community Infrastructure Levy Consultations
Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule Revisions to the Regulation 123 List post Examination - consultation concluded on 27 March 2017.
Community Infrastructure Levy Statement of Modifications - consultation concluded on 26 August 2016.
Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule - consultation concluded on 16 May 2016.
Community Infrastructure Levy Revised Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule - consultation concluded on 30 March 2015.
Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule - consultation concluded on 8 November 2013.
Other Consultations
Draft Revised Statement of Community Involvement - consultation concluded on 11 December 2017.