The South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) was adopted and published on 25 February 2016. There followed a period of six weeks in which interested parties could have challenged the SWDP, or elements of it, in the High Court. No such challenges were lodged so the SWDP remains as adopted and published. The SWDP is an integral part of the Development Plan (which also includes the Minerals and Waste Local Plans prepared by Worcestershire County Council) for the administrative areas of Malvern Hills District, Worcester City and Wychavon District. Planning decisions by these Local Planning Authorities and the Government’s Planning Inspectorate must be taken in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

pdf Adopted SWDP 2016 (25.70 MB)

Adopted SWDP 2016 by Chapter

SWDP Maps, including SWDP Interactive Policies Map 

pdf Adoption Statement (236 KB)

pdf Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement (293 KB)

SWDP Core Documents

SWDP Examination

Neighbourhood Planning in South Worcestershire

The Localism Act of 2011 introduced a new tier to the planning system in England in the form of Neighbourhood Plans. These are prepared by local communities, principally parish and town councils in south Worcestershire, and can allocate sites for development and include topic specific policies for determining planning applications.

Once formally adopted by the South Worcestershire Councils (SWC), as local planning authority, they form part of the development plan and must be given full weight in determining planning applications. A link is provided below to the relevant neighbourhood planning webpage for each of the SWC: