The South Worcestershire Councils (SWC) of Malvern Hills District, Worcester City and Wychavon District adopted and published a joint local plan, known as the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP), in February 2016.
Policy SWDP 28 ‘Management of Flood Risk’ in the SWDP applies a sequential, risk-based approach to the location of development to minimise flood risk to people and property and manage any residual risk, taking into account of the impacts of climate change. This is achieved by applying the Sequential and Exception tests, where necessary and site specific Flood Risk Assessments on relevant development proposals. This policy also prohibits development in urban areas in areas of high flood risk and does not permit development for caravan, mobile home and chalet parks within the high risk floodplain. SWDP 28 only allows the granting of planning permission for development that provides protection and enhancement of existing watercourses.
Policy SWDP 29 ‘Sustainable Drainage Systems’ seeks to minimise flood risk, improve water quality and groundwater recharge and enhance biodiversity and amenity interest through the provision of Sustainable Drainage Systems that, as a minimum, demonstrate that for a Greenfield site, the post-development surface water run-off rate will not increase and for Brownfields sites, a 20% reduction must be shown compared with the pre-development situation.
Policy SWDP 30 ‘Water Resources, Efficiency and Treatment’ requires all development proposals to demonstrate that adequate water supply and water treatment facilities are in place to serve the development. This policy also sets a limit on the amount of daily non-recycled water use per person of 110 litres for new homes. It also sets water consumption standards for business / commercial developments and requires water quality and quantity to be preserved.
The SPD will set out advice and guidance on the implementation of the SWDP water management policies.
The SWC were consulting on what advice and guidance the South Worcestershire Water Management and Flooding SPD should contain. We produced a Scoping Paper, setting out the policy background and some suggestions of what the SPD should cover. This was an initial informal consultation and any responses received were considered so that a more informed draft SPD can be produced and consulted upon in June 2017.
The consultation concluded at 5pm on Monday 27 March 2017.
pdf Consultation Letter (182 KB)
pdf South Worcestershire Water Management and Flooding SPD Scoping Paper (1.74 MB)