The South Worcestershire Councils (Malvern Hills, Worcester City and Wychavon) submitted their Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedules for joint examination by the Planning Inspectorate on 26 July 2016 in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations 2010 (as amended). 

Statement of Modifications Representations

The submitted documentation includes a statement of proposed modifications to the CIL DCS which have either emerged directly from consideration of the representations submitted to the DCS consultation or by the SWC to improve legibility and grammar. Accordingly, a four week period of public consultation on the statement of modifications ran from Monday 25 July to Monday 22 August 2016 (extended to Friday 26 August 2016) in accordance with Regulation 19(4).

Full schedule of representations received between 25 July and Friday 26 August 2016 to the Statement of Modifications consultations (Regulation 19(4)):

Draft Charging Schedule Representations

Full schedule of representations received between 1 April and 16 May 2016 to the Draft Charging Schedule consultation (Regulation 16):

Supporting Evidence and Documentation

Viability Evidence:

South Worcestershire Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) ‘Live Document’: 

Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule –  pdf Consultation Document April 2016. Post Consultation Track Changes Version (July 2016)  (1.38 MB) (for Illustrative Purposes only).

CIL Maps (the CIL maps show the same boundaries for the main urban areas as those CIL maps already published (Appendix B of the CIL Draft Charging Schedule 2016) and are simply more detailed versions to assist viewers):