Having adopted the South Worcestershire Development Plan in February 2016, the South Worcestershire Councils (Malvern Hills, Worcester and Wychavon Councils) continued the process of preparing a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). CIL is a charge that local authorities in England can place on new development in their area. The money generated through the Levy will contribute towards the funding of infrastructure to support growth in South Worcestershire.
A Draft Charging Schedule had been developed which set out the proposed charging rates for South Worcestershire, building on feedback from the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule consultation carried out in the spring of 2015. The Councils consider that the Draft Charging Schedule, which incorporates updated viability evidence from January 2016, strikes an appropriate balance between contributing to funding infrastructure and not putting development across South Worcestershire at risk.
Consultation on the CIL DCS ran for six weeks from 9am on Friday 1 April 2016 to 5pm on Monday 16th May 2016.
pdf Consultation Letter (232 KB)
pdf CIL Draft Charging Schedule (April 2016) (1.29 MB)
pdf CIL Justifying the Levy Updated Background Paper (April 2016) (704 KB)
Response Form - document Word (263 KB) / pdf PDF (259 KB)
CIL Maps
pdf CIL Draft Charging Schedule Map – South Worcestershire (2.03 MB)
pdf Wychavon – Droitwich Spa (5.39 MB)
pdf Wychavon – Evesham (5.16 MB)
pdf Wychavon – Pershore (2.40 MB)
pdf Malvern Hills – Malvern (8.09 MB)