Use the links below to find the information you need:


The Review of the existing South Worcestershire Development Plan sets out Worcester City, Malvern Hills District and Wychavon District Councils' vision for building sustainable communities and new places in the area up to 2041.

It includes policies that will support business growth, rural communities, the fight against climate change, and it addresses a local need for 26,360 new homes in the area (including 500 dwellings established under the duty to cooperate with Tewkesbury Borough Council). The new homes will also enable the South Worcestershire Councils to meet the Government’s housing target. With 15,360 homes already planned to be built, the net requirement for the SWDP Review is 11,000 homes. The Plan identifies land to deliver 13,240 additional new homes.  High-quality design and sustainability are at the heart of the plan.

On this page you can find out more about the Plan and how you can get involved.

SWDP Review Publication Consultation (Regulation 19)  

Using the links below you can read the SWDP Review Publication Consultation (Regulation 19) Summary document, the document in full and the annexes. 

You can use the SWDP Review Policies Map to look in more detail at the locations where housing, employment and other land uses are being proposed by the South Worcestershire Councils and to view the policy designations proposed.

A large amount of technical evidence and assessments have been produced to support the review of the SWDP which can be viewed using the link below.

View the Interactive Policies Map

Paper copy of these documents were available from deposit locations throughout south Worcestershire. 

Please note that it came to our attention that the printed copies of the Regulation 19 Publication Plan contained a formatting issue in Policy SWDPR 03 Spatial Development Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy which caused a misalignment of a table and an incorrect figure. However, the online version of the Regulation 19 document was correct. A copy of Policy SWDPR 03 as shown on the SWDPR website was added to the printed versions of the Plan that were available at the councils’ deposit locations, with a note of explanation attached.

The consultation was also extended from Tuesday 13th December to 11:59pm on Friday 23rd December 2022 as a result of this issue.

Earlier evidence base reports relating to the Regulation 18 consultation stage can also be viewed online here.

SWDP Review Publication Consultation (Regulation 19) 

This is the last stage of public engagement before the Plan is submitted for formal examination by the Government’s Planning Inspectorate.

The SWDP Review Publication Consultation (Regulation 19) Plan represents what the South Worcestershire Councils consider to be the final version of the Plan.

The consultation on the review of the South Worcestershire Development Plan has closed. 

People can now submit comments before the new deadline of 11.59pm on 23 December 2022.

The public consultation on the SWDPR started on 1 November 2022 and ended at 11.59pm on 23 December 2022. Further updates will be published in due course.

 How can I comment on the SWDP Review Publication Consultation (Regulation 19)? 

  • Use our online comment form
  • document Download the form (282 KB) and send it back to us.
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. us with your comment.
  • Collect a paper copy of the form from one of the deposit locations and send it back to us. 

What comments can I make on the SWDP Review Publication Consultation (Regulation 19)? 

At Regulation 19, the consultation is focused on whether the plan is legally compliant and if it meets the tests of soundness.  

For the Plan to be considered sound it must meet four tests:

  • Positively prepared – is the Plan based on a strategy that seeks to meet the area’s objectively assessed needs, has it been informed by agreements with other authorities and is consistent with achieving sustainable development?
  • Justified – does the plan have an appropriate strategy when considered against reasonable alternatives and is it based on robust and proportionate evidence?
  • Effective – is the Plan deliverable over the plan period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic matters?
  • Consistent with national policy – is the Plan enabling the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and other statements of national planning policy, where relevant?

In addition to these four tests, the Plan must also meet the following legal obligations:

  • Legal Compliance – does the Plan meet the legal requirements made under various planning laws?
  • Duty to Cooperate – Have the three South Worcestershire Councils engaged and worked effectively with neighbouring authorities and statutory bodies? In particular, the South Worcestershire Councils have a legal duty to cooperate with neighbouring councils to help meet their strategic housing requirements.

When submitting comments our forms will ask you to refer to a policy, policies map reference, diagram, or paragraph in the Plan or supporting document and to explain why you think it is or is not legally compliant or sound. The form has been created based on the template suggested by the Planning Inspectorate in their Procedure Guide for Local Plan Examinations

You will also be asked to put forward the changes that you feel need to be made to make the Plan legally compliant or sound, including any revised wording.

You can attach supporting documents to support your representation.

All comments submitted during the consultation period will be passed to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration during Examination. You can submit comments that do not reference the tests mentioned above, however, only comments that are relevant to the soundness and legal compliance of the plan are likely to be considered by the Inspector. 

Consultation information events 

Information events are being held around the main strategic growth locations to help explain and support people wishing to learn more about these proposed developments. The dates, times and venues are set out below: 

  • Rushwick Thursday 3 November, 12pm – 8pm

Rushwick Village Hall, Bransford Rd, Worcester WR2 5TA  

  • Worcestershire Parkway - Wednesday 9 November, 12pm – 8pm

Norton Parish Hall, Wadborough Rd, Littleworth, Worcester WR5 2QB 

  • Mitton – Friday 11 November, 1pm – 8pm

Bredon Village Hall, Main Rd, Bredon, Tewkesbury GL20 7QN  

  • Throckmorton – Monday 14 November, 1pm – 8pm

Bishampton Village Hall, Broad Ln, Bishampton, Pershore WR10 2LY 

Droitwich Spa Town Council has arranged a public question and answer sessions on the review proposals for the parish area of Droitwich Spa. This will be held at 6pm on Monday, 21 November at the Community Hall (Main Hall) on Heritage Way, Droitwich Spa.

Speaking at the Examination  

After the SWDP Review Publication Consultation (Regulation 19) has finished, the Plan will be submitted to the Government’s Planning Inspectorate for Examination. A Planning Inspector will be appointed to review the Plan to determine if it is legally compliant and sound.

As part of this process, the Planning Inspector will hold a series of public hearings.  The dates and format of these hearings will be set by the Planning Inspector and further details will be made available nearer the time.   

The consultation form has a section where you can register your interest in speaking at the Examination.

Deposit Locations 

If you want to view a paper copy of these documents, they are available from the following deposit locations: 

Malvern Hills 

  • The Council House, Reception - Avenue Road, Malvern, WR14 3AF 
  • Malvern Library Graham Road, Malvern, WR14 2HU 

  • Tenbury Wells Customer Service Centre / Library - 24 Teme Street, Tenbury Wells, WR15 8AA 

  • Upton-upon-Severn Customer Service Centre/ Library - School Lane, Upton upon Severn, WR8 0LE

Worcester City

  • Customer Service Centre Guildhall - High Street, Worcester, WR1 2EY 
  • Worcester Library - The Hive, Sawmill Walk, The Butts, Worcester, WR1 3PB  

  • St Johns Library - Glebe Close, St Johns, Worcester, WR2 5AX 

  • Warndon Library - The Fairfield Centre, Carnforth Drive, Worcester, WR4 9HG 


  • Pershore Community Contact Centre - Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore WR10 1PT

  • Pershore Library - Church St, Pershore, WR10 1DT 

  • Evesham Community Contact Centre - Oat St, Evesham, WR11 4PJ 

  • Evesham Library - Oat St, Evesham, WR11 4PJ 

  • Droitwich Spa Community Contact Centre / Library - Droitwich Spa Library, Victoria Square, Droitwich Spa, WR9 8DQ 

  • Broadway Library - Leamington Road, Broadway, WR12 7DZ

pdf View our Statement of Representations Procedure Reg 19 (167 KB)

Further information 

If you have any questions, please use one of the following methods to contact us: 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Telephone: 01386 565 000 

By post: 

South Worcestershire Development Plan, 
Civic Centre, 
Queen Elizabeth Drive, 
WR10 1PT