The SWCs have commissioned Aspinall Verdi to undertake a viability assessment of the SWDPR Preferred Options. The report looks at whether the sites considered are viable and can deliver development which meets the policy requirements set out in the SWDPR. The viability appraisal report, together with supporting site assessments are set out below. The April 2020 update to the Viability Report builds on the draft Report published in November 2019 to accompany the SWDP Review Preferred Options consultation, with the April 2020 version representing the finalised version of the November 2019 publication.
pdf Viability Report (April 2020) (1.42 MB)
pdf Appendix 1 - Policies Matrix (125 KB)
pdf Appendix 2 - Typologies Matrix (120 KB)
pdf Appendix 3 - Land Value Paper (620 KB)
pdf Appendix 4 - Residential Market Paper (1.29 MB)
pdf Appendix 5 - Residential Appraisals (19.22 MB)
pdf Appendix 6 - Strategic Site Appraisals (245 KB)
pdf Appendix 7 - PBSA and Specialist Accommodation for Older People Appraisals (8.32 MB)
pdf Appendix 8 - Stakeholder Feedback Matrix (71 KB)